Position Statement – Green Dispensary Teething Gel

Position Statement – Green Dispensary Teething Gel

Position Statement on Lidocaine-Containing Teething Gel for Oral Pain Relief

Green Dispensary’s Teething Gel is based on a formula containing lidocaine and chlorhexidine, which is applied topically to the oral mucosa for analgesic and antiseptic purposes.

First developed over 10 years ago, our original formula resembled a liquid-like consistency which was later re-developed into a firm dental gel to minimise the risk of potential overdose. This coincided with a further change in packaging from a bottle to a 10ml tube, enabling better control with dosing.

When used as directed, the unique features of the Green Dispensary’s Teething Gel upholds the safety of this medicine whilst meeting the need for topical oral pain relief in circumstances such as teething in infants, ulcers and oral inflammation.

For information about the latest teething relief guidelines from SA Health, view their recent media release here: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/about+us/news+and+media/media+releases/new+advice+for+infant+teething+gel